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hAhB hChD hEhF hGhH hIhJ hKhL hMhN hOhP hQhR hShT hUhV hWhX hYhZ

Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
KANISHKA hair oil 5
KARISMA hair accessories 26
KAUSTHUBHAM hair oil 5
KCC GOLD coconut hair oil 3, 35
KERA XL hair growth serum 3
KERATIN hair 26
KERAWASH hair conditioning 3
KESA KAMALAM hair tonic +ha 5
KESAMRUTHAM hair tone +woma 3, 5
KESH KAMINI herbal hair oil 3
KESHAM hair oil 5
KESHKALAP hair oil +plants 3
KESHRAJ prince of hair oils 3
KESHVANN hair oil 5
hair 42
KEWLIN hair oil 3
KG KERALA GOLD hair oil 3
KHUSHBOO hair oil +woman 3
KINGS hair dressers 42
KINGS hair oil 3
KLEO hair oil 5
KOMAL hair clips 26
KP KRISHNA hair accessories 26
KRIMA NIKHAR hair henna 3
KRIPA hair tonic +woman 3
KRISHNA hair tonic 5
KUBER sanjivni hair oil 3, 5
KUDAJADRI herbal hair tonic 5
KUMAR hair dressers 42
KUNDAN PHOTO hair +man 3
KUNDAN coconut hair oil 3
L LEGAATO hair & skin studi 44
L.P. hair pin +oval 26
LAKHPATI hair comb 21
LALANI hair oil +woman 3
LARA hair oil 5
LATA hair & beauty salon 16
LAXO hair oil 3
LEENA'S beauty and hair car 16
LEEZA hair care & beauty 42
LEO japan hair band 26
LIPCHU hair remover +woman 3
LIVON hair gain tonic 3
LIVON silky hues hair fluid 3
LIYA'S hair skincare clinic 16
LORENA hair & beauty salon 44
LORRELLA-d hair powder 5
LORRELLA-h hair powder 5
LORRELLA-n hair powder 5
LOVE YOUR hair 3
LUSH herbal hair tonic 3
MAA DANTE'S hair grow-ON 5
MAAZA hair accessories 26
MAHI PLUS hair accessories 26
MAILANCHI herbal hair oil 3, 5
MAIMUNA herbal hair oil 3
MAKO hair oil SAI +drop 5
MALAMAL hair comb 21
MALAR herbal hair oil 3
MAMTA hair style +women 26
MAMTA'S hair beauty academy 42
MANISH hair accessories +su 26
MANSI hair beauty spa salon 42
MANSI instant hair care 3
MARHABA hair cream 3
MARHABA amla hair oil +woma 3
MARICO hair care foundation 41, 42
MARICO'S hair & care 3, 5
MARICO'S hair & care +circl 5
hair 3
MASIHA hair oil 3
MASTRO hair oil 5
MAXX-hair 8, 10, 22, 26
MAYA hair & beauty salon 44
MAYUR ARITHA hair oil +woma 3
MEDI hair 3
MESO AMLA hair oil +woman 3
MG5 hair wax +square 3
MITHI hair accessories 26
MOD'S hair 3
MODICARE SALON hair care 3
MP METRO hair pins +oval 26
MUKTHAN hair oil 3
NAAZ ZULF BAHAR hair oil 3
NABATI SUMBUL hair oil 3
NANDKISHOR hair oil +oval 5
NASREENA hair tonic +woman 5
NAUSHAD hair & beauty loung 44
NAVAYUG hair oil +man 3
NEELAM plus hair oil +woman 5
NEERA hair rejuvenator +ova 3
NEW KARINA hair oil 3
NIDCO KESHPAL hair oil 5
NIHAL hair henna +ovals 3
NIKHAR hair henna +woman 3
NIMA nourshing hair oil 3
NIMBUS lite hair oil +woman 5
NIRMA hair oil 3
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